At the end of March, we enrolled Ethan into the Learning Garden, a much recommended place to enable him to experience mixing around with other kids. We felt that he's not had much opportunity to play with children his age.
After just two days in "school" Jo and I were approached by one of their directors who expressed concern over Ethan's ability to follow the class. Follow the class? The boy's hardly three years old. Anyway, we knew there and then that this place was made for "schooling" and not education. To me, learning at Ethan's young age should be really about playing, social interaction and living skills.
Anyway, after the two week orientation, we started leaving Ethan alone with the class teachers and he has proven to be quite a trooper indeed. He hasn't caused too much of a mayhem within the class nor has he had much seperation anxiety. Needless to say, his parents are awfully proud of him!
Ethan's getting ready for his first day at playgroup...
Ethan and his proud mum...
Ethan's speech is delayed as he isn't saying much still. So the poor boy's being subjected to therapy and the whole works. For the time being, he's finding all that quite fun and quite an adventure. Still we want to give him every opportunity yet hope for the best. His third birthday is coming up this 8th of May. Has it been three years already? What a ride its been for both Jo and I! The ups and downs have translated to a amazing experience. Nothing has been perfect but then I prefer it as such. Battle scars of experience makes the journey worthwhile.
We are so looking forward to the rest of the way...