One major change which I will have to speak about briefly is that I have changed profession, joined an American Multi-National company and have been based in Austin, Texas for the last eight (8) months on a training stint. It will be August this year before I will make my way back to Penang to work in a new start-up there.
What all that really means for this blog is that the very title of the blog "Limitations & Latitudes" will have to take on an entirely different meaning. When I started this blog, I wanted to depict and record my life's milestones. At that time, I was a spritely 39 year old who had never travelled to any country ABOVE the 20degree North latitude line! My life, my knowledge and my experiences were all limited by that latitude line.. hence the title of my blog!
Well, in one foul sweep.. I managed to find my way to Austin, Texas... which is earth shatteringly located on the 30.17degrees North line! I made it. Broke the artificial barrier. In many sense of that phrase and in more ways than one. It has been a learning experience like no other and without being overly dramatic - life changing.
The emotions, the trials and the intrigue which all played a role in my mental growth these last eight (8) months need not be documented. I am sure anyone out there can understand if not emphatised with all that I have had to go through. Suffice to say, it's been quite a ride but I will remember to tell myself now and then.. "Hang on Eugene, there's more to come!"
Here are a selection of photos to fill in the gaps from when I last blogged...
Ethan trying to start 2009 with a bang...
The water kid on a water dragon??
Mum and son in a cuddly pose...
The gang at KH & Mel's birthday dinner @ 17/01/2009
Drinks at UPR Soi 11 @ 31/01/2009
Chinese New Year 2009
Ethan posing with his Mum - Cultural week at school
Ethan and Dad - Cultural week at school
After lunch at the Rasa Sayang Spice Market
Drinks for Yan's birthday @ 01/05/2009
Ethan celebrating his 5th birthday at school...
Relaxing just before the party...
Cake cutting time... Ethan's 5th Birthday
The whole gang at Jinny & Yan's birthday dinner - Perut Rumah @ 15/05/2009
Lovely ladies in a row...
At the Horse Show
Sue Khoon & Carolyn's birthday celebration
Another cultural event at school for the little fella...
Jo and friends who came to say farewell to me...
My new colleagues and their families...
Guess who? My dream girl...
My pride and joy all grown up...