September 5th was Mum's birthday. It was also Jo's Dad's birthday as well. Since it was right in the middle of the week, we couldn't do much to celebrate. I had an early morning matter at work to deal with and was away for the most part of the day. Finally in the late afternoon I managed to wish Mum and hand to her the card and present - vouchers to shop at Parkson. Hoping that Mum will use them to get herself something nice for her wardrobe.
September 8th (Saturday) was our Bar Dinner. Jo had worked real hard to organised the event and this day would be the culmination of half a year's planning and running around. But before we can get to savour the fruits of our blood, sweat and tears, there was the small issue of decor and the hall set-up to put in place.
Jo and I brought Ethan to the Gurney Hotel's ballroom that morning to have a look at the place. Sadly, it was nowhere near done. As the members of Jo's Organising Committee started to trickle in and the hotel staff got into the groove of things, we began to see the pieces fall into place. Ethan was pretty well behaved and even sat down with his dad for lunch at the hotel coffee house.
As we left the hotel around 2.30pm, there was a sense of completion to it all. We drove home, putting Ethan down for his afternoon nap. Not long after arriving home, we were off again to the hotel. This time we were weiding our packed bags - all we need to get ready for the night. The hotel had given us a day-use room and we were going to make full use of the room.
After the sound check for our entertainers for the night - Instant Cafe Theatre and the Band "SWV" - Jo and I finally got a few minutes of rest, then it was up to the showers and to get dressed for the night. It wouldn't go down well if the Organising Chairman of the function was not also dressed to the nines.
Jo looking radiant...
We got to the ballroom around 7.15pm and already there were guests mingling by the bar. Cocktails was to go on till 8pm when dinner would be served. As people slowly but surely arrived, I took some time to sort out the seating at our table.Our guests at our table that night were - Stacy and Mel, Carolyn, Riz, Suganthi and Suresh, Lynette and Claude. Sue Khoon was away on her firm's annual trip to Kota Kinabalu while Jinny and KH were busy hosting some guests from KL. Yan was sitting at his firm's table that night.
Jo and her Organising Committee...
Smiles all round at our table...
Soon the alcohol flowed, the people mellowed and the atmosphere got electric. Before we knew it, we were seated and dinner was being served. We had professional emcee Aanantha from KL to host the night and there were lucky draws as well. Plenty of excitement for all. All in all, by 10pm, I knew for sure most people were having a time of their life. That was when the alcohol ran out!!
Instant Cafe came on soon after 10pm. They started out well but fizzled out in the middle with a skit that went on for far too long. When we noticed people walking out, I knew it was going to be panned. Poor Jo got an earful from a few guests that night for the lack lustre show. Still sufficient people stayed on and by the time the music started for our dancing session, the party was back on.
We flooded the dancefloor and simply had a great time with the band's infectious rendition of a variety of music. Too soon before we knew it, the night came to an end. My verdict - a wickedly fantastic night!
A full dance floor...
Our table all chilled out...
And the music plays on...
Not wanting the night to just end there, Nazu invited us to QE 2 to keep the andrenalin flowing. We made it in and even found a table outdoors. The place was packed but truly pulsating. A few drinks later, we could feel ourselves slowing down and it was then really time to head home.
The next morning, our excesses for the night caught up with Jo as she had to pop a couple of Panadol Acti-Fast tablets. Still we had promised a belated birthday lunch for both my mum and Jo's dad. And where else would lunch be but the QE 2. The folks had never been there and it was obviously a great experience for them. Ethan came along and although he didn't want to have anything to do with the food, he amused himself and did not cause an upheaval.
Looking out from the QE 2...
The folks enjoying lunch...
The busiest of two weeks was finally over. To me, there was still a pile of work left on my desk in the office but that would be something I had to tackle another day. The situation and circumstances of where I am now at work can only be described as uncertain. There's so much promise and the work certainly is coming in yet it seems to be moving rather slowly. We will need to look for a new office pretty soon - our tenancy expires early next year which means a whole new scene altogether. So much uncertainty, its scary. The only one thing I know for sure, I am blessed. Blessed enough to have the choices I have and to know what I know and to have what I have. Blessed to be who I am.