Since Ethan's birthday, things have been routine. His first term at The Learning Garden came to an end and he went on a boring two-week holiday break. We sent him back to school for a one-day program of water play in the first holiday week. He kinda enjoyed that I think!
After the break, the second term began. School and therapy, same old same old. However, we recently had an "evaluation" meeting with his teachers. They were unanimous that Ethan's improved tremendously from when they first met him. In fact, Ethan's begun to say a few words too! Yep, "apple" which from him sounds more like "appa" and "ball" which sounds like "baal". Still, to his parents its like a symphony.
His comprehension has improved a lot too. Result of his therapy work. I must say, he has taken well to his occupational therapist Ms. Heng. We can clearly see vast improvements in his behaviour. He's now sitting down and patiently waiting when told.
Ethan at Occupational Therapy with Ms. Heng
With his Speech Therapist Ms. Ang
On the personal social front, we've had quite a few gatherings. Mostly birthdays but we do look forward to the opportunities to meet up and catch up. I guess thru our respective daily toil, we should be grateful for those times we can squeeze out of our busy schedules to share with good friends. That is really what it is all about. We don't have the luxury of wasting our precious moments with trivialities, with materialism or with selfishness. That is simply what we should appreciate.
Since my last blog, we've had a birthday celebration for both Yan & Jinny at Bagan; for Sue Khoon at Beach Blanket Babylon and for Carolyn at Mel & Stacy's house. We also met up for Mel & Stacy's anniversary - albeit Mel was away in the US on a business trip. Sue Khoon and Yan celebrated their 1st Anniversary with champagne at their place and a few of us were there too. The next birthday will be Jo's in September but before that will be our wedding anniversary this coming July 10th. Two big events to look forward to. Watch this space for updates....
Yan & Jinny's Birthday celebrations
Gang's all there plus friends...
Sue's Birthday party at BBB
Wendy, Jo and Sue smiling away...
Whole gang plus more friends...
Carolyn's do at Mel & Stacy's...
A relaxed evening indeed...